First things
first, the point of this post is for education purposes
and to help find trial and err treatments and to
document this. I have some family that believes the
human body does not have these reactions.

Day 1! Thursday
To start off
I’m a mother of not just Ashley. I want what’s best for
Ashley and all of my kids. It was like any other day,
started happy with some nerves of getting a single shot.
No illnesses or fever recently. All was well. She was
happy to get up and go spend time with me. “I told the
dr that she may have a issue with heat shock protein due
to her being sun sick in the past two summers. The dr
did not think twice. “Stary desis” In the state of CA
HPV and flu is not yet mandatory and you should have a
free choice to not get them. I as most felt the law is
they be vaccinated and I want my child safe and to
follow the laws. I also knew because of my genetics and
my family’s Cancer risk I thought this may be what was
rite. And given the drs Horrible harassment No matter
what I said or did, even after expressing our family’s
sensitivity to the flu shot and that HPV could be a
major issue I was still usher into a corner. ....And
then, the worst. I did know there where risks but given
the situation I felt as if I had no choice and I was
being forced to give the shots. (At the end I was told
there was a AED machine and Eppi waiting outside if
needed as of then was not a good time to bring it in or
call the ambulance like they offered but so quickly took
back and then said I refused it) I know it sounds
stupid. And I feel giving them was wrong. There is no
way to go back in time. We learn. I am a busy mom and
have 6 children. I know posting there will be moms who
made the choice not to vaccinate and who will be angry.
Then there will be moms who just want too support me.
This is in no way to attack anyones view or beliefs. I’m
simply sharing this for insight to find help and
answers. I had no idea the response this would have.
I’ve got hundreds of messages of love and support from
holistic drs, parents all over the USA. I’ve got
messages from the other side of the world! The love of
the positive ones shows there is a united village of
parents who are raising up the defeated. Thank you for
Gardisil hpv
She is 12
almost 13 yrs old.
And is very
active in sports.
She had a Bad
reaction/ vaccination injury
Rash on
mouth/face and arms/hands
Passed out
three times following a panic attack
Numb body heavy
Stiff neck
Complaining of
odd feeling face and ears and stiff neck
Itchy ears
Ear pain
Itchy lips,
eyes, hands and feet
Vision issues
She felt
Body numbness
blisters/odd texture/with severe pain
Piercing pain
Staggered gate
Sharp head pain
in temples
Pain in neck,
feet head and face.
Nurse feels
it’s a allergy to gardisil
I very
reluctantly decided to have her get her last DTAP. The
dr forced us to get HPV and flu shots. And yes I read
the information prior when my other kids had shots. This
time no information given. Weighed the risks. I regret
it now. I just wished I had the option to opt out of
HPV. Long story and brutal of the dr. Yes bullies exist
in adult form.
Even though
both my husband and I agreed not to get it. I felt
pressure. Not just any pressure. I literally felt if I
left I’d be questioned by my judgement. As if I cared.
Even the nurse
after came in and said the dr is very pushy. And that I
wasn’t the first she forced.
Ashley had a
serious allergic reaction. May be on way to hospital.
They almost took her in ambulance.
Dr kept saying
it was just anxiety...though Ashley’s anxiety was prior
to shots. At moment of shot she calmed and was time till
side effects came.
Three years
prior with her sister who is now 16 we where threatened
by dr in same practice that we would be turned into
Child welfare services if I refused the HPV shot. I did
refuse. Nothing came of it. Today they tried to say
“it’s mandatory”
Stayed two plus
hours in the drs laying down at what seemed only 30 min.
We had a 9:00 am appointment left around 12:00 pm They
said they have never seen a reaction like this there.
She’s had some
vomiting as the evening precedes and some neck and
shoulder pain. 98.lbs end of period I think was three-4
days prior.

Day 2! Friday
cramping for
Legs giving out
Pain in
Stabbing pain
In neck
Leg pain
feeling funny
Leg body
Lips re
Very Sweaty
hands and feet
head/ear pain
Joint pain
Also visited a
local ER. Testing was ordered ie xray, EKG, blood
Pannels, IV fluids, anti nausea meds, and Benadryl as
well as steroids
Did not sleep
(Fast forward
three weeks… asked for medical records… she had a heart
attack!!! They hid that from me. As I told them her
heart rate was erratic and she was fading)

Day 3! Saturday
AM: She is
still pretty much the same. She’s been acting like she’s
drugged. Tired and having some trouble walking. Showing
all mild symptoms of GBS but she’s able to walk
staggering for the most part. Her arms are heavy and her
eyes look lost. She can talk but it’s odd like after
general anesthesia from wisdom teeth. Feeling like she’s
urinating when she’s not. No really dark rash rite now
but she’s like a chameleon it comes and goes throughout
the day. She ate and drank yesterday and today is
drinking. She can understand what’s going on. She says
she feels drugged and hurts. Stomach pain

PM: her hands are
burning and have a flat blotchy rash. She feels faint
and has a head ache. Er said she must return with any
worsening symptoms or any symptoms that landed her in er
last night by 10 pm if not resolved. She’s having semi
normal bouts then she goes down hill. She’s a little
more perky but very red faced and tired and sore.
Don’t ever let
anyone do this to your child. Please fight as hard as
you can.
Update: she
seems calm. Less symptoms all at once. Been getting lots
of great info. Still sweating and red
She had trouble

Update: 11/10/2019
Day 4! Sunday
She is walking.
Gets dizzy or has Nausea. No vomiting today. But not
eating. She will he put on a special diet. She is still
having rashes. And having issues sleeping.
Red rash at
injection site. Hot. Also darkened areas of face. Raised
She’s at a high
hormone level at the moment which explains the good day
Vomiting is back

weak legs, they where
rubbery like and bucking.
Numb puffy lips
and armpit pain
Had trouble
Joint pain

Update: 11/11/2019
Day 5! Monday
I’ll be
creating a web site and blog soon. I’ll post the name in
this area when I have it set up. I have it already
going. It will be - Vaxx.Me - in stead of . Com it will
be .me.
She is seeming
to wake up semi normal but she has yet to walk to
bathroom. Her legs felt heavy last night and the right
one was like she walked on a pointed toe to start. Joint
pain. Also her leg would buckle with each step and it
was shaking like jello. Such odd reactions and symptoms.
I’m adding new photos when she has reactions I’ll try
taking videos too. Still red face. And reactions
She slept 7-8

Update: 11/12/2019
Day 6! Tuesday
She’s very
tired. Having some issues. We are watching her. Close.
She has developed hypersensitivity to all foods. There
is a few things we have found she may eat. Apple sauce,
water, salt, eggs, steamed carrots, ground beef, sweet
potato watermelon and chicken breast no skins on any
foods, all foods must be natural and organic. But only
in teaspoon amounts. If combined she gets head aches and
vomits. She also complains of going and leg pain. She’s
frustrated. These vaccines when given to a child with a
history or family history of a few markers can cause
serious issues. Their whole health can crash. People
need to do tons of research and be educated. I was lucky
enough to find a science research guru that has taken me
step by step to find answers. Today we see a MD and
homeopathic dr in Sacramento ca. I hope he can help.
Ashley is unable to have any conventional meds due to
allergies she’s having. Everything she puts in her body
she’s having a serious reaction too. This is what the
shots have done. Now know not everyone will have this
happen. She also complained of rib pain.
After dr:
Continued Vomiting and rash went to a holistic dr
medical center she was given a IV and supplements of
gludithion and vitamins as well as the whole store lol.
Also she’s been
During the
injection she passed out very briefly and was having
pain in the arm of injection, pain in. Injection sight
of burning and up vein as well as shoulder pain in that
arm. And joint pain. On the way home she has having
issues walking with a unstable gate as if the hip was
giving and the knee. The had the same happen a few days
ago. Possible it’s GBS. She ate a spoonful of ground
cook beef made in coconut oil, onions with mashed salted
with Mediterranean Sea salt, steamed carrots... she had
a piercing head ache and felt sick. She ate about 5
spoonfuls. So she ate a hard boiled egg after and feels

Day 7!
End of week one
She’s doing
good. Numb toung when she woke up but pretty good now.
Pink face I added photos and inflamed birth mark behind
neck. She had watermelon today and a hard boiled egg. So
far nothing major. She was pale as a ghost when she woke
Leg spasms
Arm pain
Joint and bone
Red rash
Achy legs
Lesions on roof
of mouth
I feel under
the weather

Day 8! Thursday
Well I as mom
feel sick. My throat is sore. Hoping our masks come
She had another
rash on face due to going outside and touching leaves.

She’s really
Hip pain
Right ovarian
No vomiting
today yet
Hands ache
It’s suspected
she has a mass cell disease that her body is attacking
its self, among MS/GBS/ auto immune issues, histamine
disease, pots, lymes,... it goes on and on. This is many
drs with the same findings. Sadly all I can do is follow
directions. They are saying hyper hyperbaric chamber for
a hour twice a day x 100 times and infusions 1-2 a week.
Plus natural supplements
She’s still
having a reaction to earlier touching leaves
Her shoulder
dislocated and popped back with just her rolling her
shoulder. It was so loud. Very odd.
Sharp pain in
bottom of ear lobe, and in ear.

Day 9! Friday
Today she’s
having a ruff time waking up she’s just so exhausted and
warm out. She had a reaction yesterday that’s still
there today we are doing what we can for her.
Her heart rate
was 191-123 we have to watch it. Every day her heart
rate is all over the place. It’s so frustrating.
Severe hip pain
on right side
Loss of hearing
for a few minutes
Ear pain

Day 10!
She woke up
She slept a
full 8 hours
And then she
had three organic cage free eggs and had a splitting
head ache after. Appears she has developed a
hypersensitive to protege or foods in quantity’s larger
than two table spoons per meal per item. She cannot
tolorate more than three items paired together.
She also has
had a issue with natural holistic supplements.
She’s having
trouble walking and having burning skin and a rash.
Cramping and
sharp pain in her fingers and arms

Day 11! Sunday
She woke up
just fine
Stiff neck but
so far so good.
Left shoulder
pain, and red faced. But sues eating more and more
Left knee pain
Cramping hands
Itchy eyes and

Day 12! Monday
She woke up ok
Stiff neck
Shoulder, knee
elbow pain. Swollen elbows and knees. She had a rash on
her right knee and right arm like she’s not had yet. She
also had itchy eyes and body. Having issues walking
today but has ok energy.
Head aches.
Cramping hands.
Coughing up
phlegm. Rash keeps coming back. She’s also having severe
pain in her joints. It’s bringing her to her knees. Did
not eat much today. 12 days in now.
Today we got
medical records and the dr denied any reactions other
than vomiting. What lies. I need to finish VARES report
Used wheel
chair for short time.

Day 13! Tuesday
Very severe
abdominal pain with left hip pain. And left ovary pain
very severe. Like a 8-9. Mild Rash and feeling very
tired. Cramping in hands. Some subtle issue walking
normal. Used wheel chair due to weakness.
Had infusion
today in Sacramento of gludithion Myers cocktail. Normal
heart rate. Lower O2 @95-96 No major food allergies
today to her regular safety foods since vaccines.
Severe pain in
finger joints woke her up from a nap. Rash is coming
back it’s bedtime now. She also had pins and needle pain
in the bath tub. She was crying in pain. Water was not
hot yet her skin turned fire red as if she had a burn.
Vomiting 2 times.

Day 14!
End of week
two! Wednesday
Ashley is
having pain and stiffness in her neck and back and
knees. She also is holding back vomiting and is very
tired and weak. We are at Dr sommers office in rocklyn
ca. For inferred sauna and detox. She’s having issues
Vomiting and
pain issues walking. Got labs back. (Hyper hyrodosis)

Day 15!
Ash woke up
great. No major concerns. Walked fine all day. Was very
exhausted. She did have pains as normal and rashes from
dinner time on. Or maybe 4 pm. She ate things and we
added vitamins today hoping she can keep them down. Well
she got a rash and was feeling pretty sick but she was
able to take a few things she needed. She also ate a
bunch of chicken. She seemed to do good most the day.

Day 16! Friday
Facial and body
rashes today. Tired and high BP and heart rate. Called
the er to see what they thought. Said bring her in if it
does not stabilize. We have another dr appointment
today. She seems like she chokes when she drinks the
past few days. Severe cramping in fingers. Feeling sick.
Major issues walking, major. I wish I trusted the
hospital to be fair and just. But in a emergency she
will be going. I guess I am using reference to her
second day visit at the er where she was unable to even
hold her self up and walk and they suspected GBS yet
still sent us home said we could return if it came back.
It’s undereducated to send a child home who has been
able to walk but now is having issues to just send her

Day 17!
She woke up
legs being odd. I am sick went to dr. No strep send in
sample for culture. Both ash and I had small blisters on
our roofs of our mouths. Dr gave me meds in house to
take there. She had many flare ups and rashes on face.
Some vomiting and hand pain. Over all good day. We juice

Day 18! Sunday
She slept in a
restless state. She had a mild rash to her face today.
Any food intake is causing rashes. Major rashes to face
and hands worse yet, after washing with antibacterial
hand wash soft soap. Been able to walk great today!
Progress but I hold my breath.
She is still
sick with clear blisters in throat and on roof of mouth.
Blisters gone. Fuzzy throat. And huge lymph nodes in
neck. Still having rashes. Sharp pains below the knee.
Rash in throat is gone.

Day 19! Monday
Rashes after
eating chicken and potatoes but not bad. Today she ate
the most yet since onset of all the symptoms since day
1. Some sharp pains in joints but seems to look really
good. Still having issues walking into stores long
distances like over 100 ft.
Every day is
uphill. Today she is in great spirits. I wished this bad
dream would end! Horrible vomiting when we had to go
shopping after what seemed to be the best day yet. She’s
so disoriented in the car. It appears at home she’s
built a tolerance to danders and things there. But when
we leave even outside for a brief moment she has major
reactions without a mask on. And when she’s needing to
walk more than 100 ft for some reason she can’t hold her
self up, she starts hurting in her legs and in her
joints. It’s almost like growing pains but worse. She
complained of severe pain in her right leg and ankle.
And in same knee today. Her eyes are dark and she is
truly exhausted and warn out even from a single trip to
Walmart. Today was wonderful to start but bitter to end.

Day 20! Tuesday
Well today
started out pretty good. Ashley was able to eat some
chicken and potatoes and get going to her doctors
appointment 2+ hours away. She threw up the whole way
there and was very disoriented. After that she was able
to do a little bit of walking she really needed the
exercise only had a little bit of difficulty walking. We
got back some more results and it looks like her liver
is slowly but surely recovering very slowly. She’s so
miserable driving in the car I wish the doctors were
closer ideally it would be nice to stay where we have
treatments. She sees one doctor two hours away once a
week the other doctor twice a week almost 3 hours away
and she’ll see this new doctor I don’t know how many
times a week that’s three hours away so it’s a little
frustrating I’m keeping the faith. She had a 4H meeting
today for her rabbits but she’s so wiped out she just
doesn’t have it in here to go. She did have some rashes
but very minimal. she snuck bean dip... got a rash rite
away and was very itchy. Every time she eats any new

Day 21!
End of week
three! Wednesday
Weight 94.9.
Total lost She’s very sensitive to heat of any kind.
Possibly has a gene HSP70 heat shock protein. She’s
having major reactions today. I’m not sure from what.
She’s supper red faced and seems miserable and has a
horrible attitude issue. Very snappy. I so wished this
ongoing nightmare would end. Why is? Her throat is
swollen and pretty red. I’m hoping she’s not getting

Day 22!
Ashley’s dads
40th birthday, and thanksgiving. Rashes after eating her
new normal food. And was feeling sore. Fell over
possibly hit face and got a bloody nose. I was unclear
to the details from Ash.

Day 23! Friday
She’s getting
sick. Cough, sore eyes and watery eyes, bruising easy.
Red and runny sore nose. Rash on face. Seems she’s
coming down with something. I’m so worried. Her cold or
flu symptoms are growing in severity as I write this.
It’s getting worse. She went from a sniffle this am to
full red face, weak and full flu symptoms. Her eyes are
burning. Poor thing. Probably mast cell caused. Well
she’s still very sick at end of day. Praying for a
better day.

Day 24!
Today was
filled with illness and rashes and finished off by what
seemed like a freak accident. She smelled through her
mask what smelled like pinesol being used to clean up a
mess at a party I was throwing for her fathers 40th.
Well she started having anaphylaxis her throat was
swelling shut she was having issues breathing. She had a
rash around her mouth and face and lips. I was next door
to a fire station so I knew we could call fast. It was
so scary. She came out of it after going outside. So

Day 25! Sunday
She complained
of right ovarian pain and is still pretty sick. Hurts to
cough. Sore and swollen throat. Lounging around. She
tried to attend church today. Seems able to walk better.
Can’t believe it’s been a whole month! When will this

Day 26! Monday
I hear day
82-84 is scary. I’m counting every day praying it won’t
be scary. Praying I get my Ashley back. The moment I get
a good day I get two bad after. The struggle with people
is the worst. People views of their perception is
asinine. “Education is the key to unlocking the
misunderstood.” -myself!
Today was her
NV. Dr appointment it it’s snowing like crazy and stormy
here so I won’t risk the travel. I have so much I should
be happy for in my life yet this has ruined joy in our
home. We have yet to decorate and with 20 something days
till Christmas idk. I’m so hurt. How could tiny little
vaccines rob a child of their lives, passions and
dreams. One after another hearts shattered and family’s
torn on what to do. There are no nutritional specialist
to guide you, you could read all the books in the world
and yet still be hungry for information, I toss and turn
all night long and I jump up and go check on Ashley
praying to God that she won’t be one of the statistics
that she won’t wake up, it seems so extreme and bitter
and cold of me to think that so negatively but there’s
so many girls that go to sleep normal and wake up in a
different realm you get my drift. I’m so exhausted I
feel like I’m drifting in the current Aimlessly
wandering away from everything that’s familiar had I not
had faith I think it would truly be lost. The close
minded individuals have to pry open the box and research
things that they don’t understand it would sure help me
out a lot. I don’t know an exclamation to anyone and I
don’t have to prove anything some days are good some
days are bad and every day is unknown.  

Day 27! Tuesday
Still sick. Red
faced rash, cough and low energy and appetite. Supper
tired. Sleepy. Lost of appetite

Day 28!
She’s still
sick. Cough, body is sore and she’s slow moving. Slept
in for hours. She has a low appetite for about a week
now. Still eating but it’s just getting harder. I think
she knows when she eats she has worse reactions and
she’s trying to avoid them. I hate this. I hate it!!
She’s able to keep down vitamins d and c but not much
else in the realm of supplements. She’s also having
issues thinking and doing work. Vomiting.

Day 29!
She’s still
sick. Cough and vomiting, hot, tired, pale and weak.
Numb body, trouble walking. Dizzy. Blurred vision. Red
face. Rash. No sleep till 5 am. Loss of hearing for a
moment. Scary. Blacking our for a few minutes.

Day 30! Friday
Rash and she
had a anaphylaxis reaction after having coconut water.
Loss of hearing here and there. She keeps getting faint
when she stands up says she can see it’s like a bright
light or it all goes dark. She has been crying with hip
pain and she has a odd mass on the right hip where her
pain has been coming from. Throwing up. Still coughing.

Day 31!
Today she’s had
good energy but still lots of bed time. Sluggish. I did
meal prep for her. She has been complaining of loos of
hearing and ringing in ears after for a few brief
moments the past few days. I always forget to add
something. Still coughing. Trouble sleeping.

Day 32! Sunday
She’s been
dizzy, issues walking, and been throwing up. She also
skipped church. Still coughing. She’s really having
issues sleeping. She has no energy to clean her room.
I’m simply burnt out and there’s not enough of me to go
around with her high demands. I’m sure trying my best. I
guess I’ll get up earlier and work harder. Meal prep
makes it 1000x easier.
She also is
struggling to do school work. Yet her brother is not
doing so bad I guess.
I really need
some help and some time. She’s on her period.

Day 33! Monday
Cramps in her
feet. Extremely heavy period. Tired and sluggish. In bed
all day. Did a lot of homework.

Day 34! Tuesday
Heavy period,
so heavy she was dripping all over the floor and her
shorts where soiled 1ft by 1 ft in front and back. Clots
in shower and very weak. sluggish. Did homework. Stayed
in bed. Very long slumber

Day 35!
Sleeping past
1:30pm. Concerned. Red facial rash. Having issues eating
again. So lethargic.

Day 36!
Sleeping in
last 3:30pm no sleep at night. Red face. Pale, weak but
ate a lot. Body sore.

Day 37! Friday
Sleeping all
day. Can’t sleep at night. Weak and pale. Facial Rash.

Day 38!
Staying up all
night. Up in the middle of the night. Pale went to
Costco she could not even walk half way down the freezer
isle without being drained and stark white she melted
into her wheel chair just spent. She could not gain any
energy after that point. We are finding in home she has
things close to hang onto and to sit on.

Day 39! Sunday
She had a
sleepless night. She’s sleeping and missing church. She
woke for a moment but was so weak and pale. Yesterday
was too much. Just even making her walk 100ft or pushing
her self in her wheel chair. At day 39 she is still just
the same.

Day 40! Monday
She slept a
full night and is still asleep since 9:30 pm to 4:30am
then 6:30am to 1:00pm Melatonin was the sleep aid. She
looks like a angel sleeping. My fears are great. Every
morning I check that she’s breathing and alive. That
sounds horrendous and wrong to say. I pray I never am
faced with that reality like so many others. The though
the terrors haunt my sleep of other children who have
passed due to these vaccines. It’s not fair. It’s not
just. This poison takes from us so much. When will it
end and be put to a stop?!
She’s very
clumsy and falling over. Bruising easy. Vomiting a lot
last night. Also fell asleep on floor with bad headache.
Set up a IV for Friday and a dr app with Sommer for
Wednesday. Severe head ache. Foot joint pain.

Day 41! Tuesday
Rashes lots of
sleeplessness and sleeping in late in the day. Sluggish.

Day 42!
night, chills and hot. Pale and nauseating day.

Day 43!
After going to
the doctor she got acupressure in her ear. She had three
points applied as well as she’s been able to take her
supplements. Hours after this treatment she’s been able
to walk just fine and for the most part she almost seems
like herself all over again. But still struggling to

Day 44! Friday
Another great
day other than sleep I just can’t even believe the
acupressure could help the way it is.

Day 45!
Another great
day other than sleep. I can’t believe she’s doing so
good she actually went for a walk down the street
without falling over her staggering she did have to hang
onto her wheelchair but believe it or not she’s doing
phenomenal other than just a little bit of leg pain and
she’s going back to a slow normal diet. It appears
holding the histamine foods made all the difference.

Day 46! Sunday
I simply can’t
believe it’s day 46! We’re definitely still not out of
the woods yet but I’m very hopeful that I found such a
remarkable person to help me get through this he’s
simply brilliant Mr. Phillips has changed everything for
us. I’m forever grateful for everything he’s done. 

Day 47! Monday
Well she’s
complaining of pelvic pain. She’s been sluggish but able
to walk great! Getting ready for a Christmas party for

Day 48! Tuesday
Christmas Eve!

Well she’s
having a severe allergic reaction with rash up and down
arms it’s burning and itching. She’s not been feeling

Day 49!
Christmas!! She
did great!! Pelvic pain.
Better sleep.

Day 50!
At dr in
Rocklynn. She’s doing great. Had a head ache. Pelvic
pain. She ate a in and out

Day 51! Friday
Great day. No

Day 52!
Great day.
Small rash on nose some swelling in abdomen. Started

Day 53! Sunday
Major clots the
size of a egg and half dollar. Period. Major bleeding
through pads.

Day 54! Monday
Great day!

Day 55! Tuesday
Red faced, pale
and tired.

Day 56!
So far so good.
CBD cream for the past two weeks twice a week applied to
skin is working with acupressure. It’s reduced symptoms

Day 57!
She did great.
Even had tacos

Day 58! Friday
So far so good
So Ashley has a sore throat and now just told me she had
it yesterday. My throat is sore we both have the same
type of viral thing we had a couple weeks back after the
end of her. Of the clear pockets of fluid in the back of
the throat and it being red and irritated. Her dad is
also really sick so I’m really starting to believe that
this is cycling through every time she pick something up
from someone in cycling through everybody else in the

Day 59!
Slept in till
12:30. Rash on the face. Not feeling well. Nausea.

Day 60! Sunday
Slept in till
1:00pm. Red face and rash tired groggy.
Not hungry but
ate some pasta for dinner.

Day 61! Monday
Slept in till
11:30. Same today. Red faced tired and groggy all day.
Did not eat all day.

Day 62! Tuesday
Still sleeping
this am we will see how the day goes. This odd ball
sleeping pattern is odd. Staying up late and sleeping

Day 63!
Woke up late
she’s so tired and pale.

Day 64!
Ruff day. Going
to Disney! So far boned to the chair. clammy hands.
Weak in a lot of pain. Can’t walk. Too much. Cold hands,
poor circulation

Day 65! Friday
She was hurting
so bad in wheelchair

Day 66!
She still is
the same hurting.

Day 67! Sunday
Still in wheel
chair. Worried for trip. Disneyland past few days

Day 68! Monday
Disney. Still

Day 69! Tuesday
Cruise day.
Salt pool. Wheel chair

Day 70!
Walking. Eating and swim. Wow she’s doing amazing. Maybe
salt water?

Day 71!
Doing amazing.
Facial rash but good. Sick

Day 72! Friday
Doing amazing
but sick

Day 73!
Doing ok. Sick
off ship and home.

Day 74! Sunday
Really sick and

Day 75! Monday
She’s sick
getting facial rash, winded easily walking from bed to

Day 76! Tuesday
She’s doing
better. But still winded.
Facial rash.

Day 77! Wednesday
She’s good but

Day 78! Thursday
Gonna try
school for the first time since this happened. Nervous
for the 80’s days. Noticing balding hair loss above
temples and hair thinning and loss. Her knees hurt bad.
She’s weak and her legs are giving out.

Day 79! Friday
She did well
she’s sick though. The house is has speculation of strep
via other family members we where all close to on the

Day 80! Saturday
Groggy and
sore. So far.